Monday, September 21, 2009

Nebraska Welcomes Governor Mitt Romney

Another update: Thurs., Oct. 8: The Romney event is now officially SOLD OUT! With RSVPs approaching 600, the NEGOP can no longer accommodate new requests for tickets. THANK YOU to all who are planning to attend--should be a great event for the State of Nebraska and your Nebraska Republican Party!

Update: Wed., Oct. 7: Over 525 seats have been sold already to this great event with Gov. Romney--exceeding our goals and expectations! Thanks to everyone who is attending! We're making room for a few additional tables--if you are still interested, please e-mail Rebecca Weber at ASAP to snatch one of these few remaining tickets. Hope to see all of my fellow Republicans this Friday!

On October 9, the Nebraska Republican Party will hold the biennial Founders’ Day celebration to recognize those volunteers who made the 2008 elections so successful. Our featured guest is former Governor and Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. He will be joined by our own Governor Dave Heineman, Nebraska’s three outstanding Congressman, and many other GOP elected leaders at the downtown DoubleTree Hotel in Omaha.

Many times, it takes hundreds upon thousands of hours of dedication and hard work to win an election. In 1931, the Nebraska Republican Party instituted the first Founders’ Day to honor those individuals who generously gave of their time and helped move candidates from the campaign office to elected office. It is the NEGOP’s honor to hold this event.

Giving levels range from $65 per dinner seat to $5,000 dinner table for ten including admittance to a cocktail reception with Governor Romney along with a photo opportunity. To make your reservations or for more information, contact the NEGOP at 402-475-2122 or

We hope to see you there!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thank you Senator Johanns!

Nebraskans can be very proud of Senator Mike Johanns.

This past Monday he took to the Senate floor and thoughtfully articulated the reasons why the Senate should support his amendment to prevent taxpayer dollars in the transportation and housing appropriations bill from going to fund ACORN (Assoc. of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

Thankfully, the Johanns Amendment passed. Now, as a result of Sen. Johanns' leadership, a national movement to completely wean ACORN from taxpayer dollars has started.

Employees of ACORN have been convicted of various acts of voter fraud and other illegal actions.

ACORN activists have been present and active in Nebraska as well, reportedly taking an active role in helping Democrats in Omaha.

Now, without the benefit of our taxpayer dollars, perhaps they'll pack their bags and go home.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tom White Opposition Research Contest!

Surprise! It's official! Tom White--that divisive Democrat denizen of the Nebraska Legislature-is officially a candidate for Nebraska's Second Congressional District.

As part of making the obvious known, White was required to file a financial disclosure with the Clerk of the House.

His financial disclosure can be found here.

On its face, the financial report is very, very, very intriguing in oh so many ways. We would love to assign this to an opposition researcher, but we don't have one. The Nebraska Republican Party operates on a pretty lean budget--we have limited staff and don't have the Washington Union Bosses or President Obama to loan us staff to use at our disposal. So we thought we would be innovative and try crowdsourcing this project, i.e., "the process by which the power of the many can be leveraged to accomplish feats that were once the province of the specialized few."

Are you game?

Take a look at Democrat (yes, contrary to his announcement speech, he's a Democrat) White's financial disclosure and tell us what you find. See if there's anything interesting in it that needs to be further examined or pointed out to 2nd District voters. Example: certainly Senator White filed the appropriate ethics disclosures in the event he voted on a measure before the Nebraska Legislature that somehow impacted the multitude of investments he has. Has he pulled a "Charlie Rangel" and failed to list anything?

So have at it--the entire civilized world with internet access has now been deputized by the NEGOP. Review and analyze the report, or any other publicly-available information that's available on Senator White. Tell us what you find by November 1, 2009, and e-mail it to me at

The entry that the NEGOP believes provides Nebraska voters with the most useful information will win two (2) tickets to the November 21, 2009, Nebraska football game against K-State.

Good luck!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nebraska Democrats: If Ben Nelson Calls . . . .

It's September 1, and the Nebraska Democrats still do not have a candidate for Governor.

Or Secretary of State. Or Attorney General. Or Treasurer. Or Auditor. The list of offices goes on and on.

And it's not for a lack of trying. Based upon reports from Nebraska Democrats and the political press, Sen. Ben Nelson has been beating the bushes looking for a candidate who is crazy enough to challenge Governor Dave Heineman. Yes, that same Dave Heineman who has a 63 percent approval rating among Nebraska voters according to a recent poll by the liberal Daily Kos.

The NEGOP will give Sen. Nelson credit when credit is due. He can be a very persuasive man when he has to be. Some have even called him a sycophant.

Just ask Stormy Dean, Tony Raimondo or any of the other failed Democrat candidates Ben Nelson has worked hard to convince to run for public office.

So, if you are a Nebraska Democrat and Ben Nelson calls, you might want to think twice before taking his call.