Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Saul Anuzis for RNC Chair

I’m currently in Washington, DC for the Winter meeting of the Republican National Committee (RNC).  As Chair of the Nebraska Republican Party, I am one of the 168 voting members of the RNC (along with Nebraska National Committeewoman De Carlson and National Committeeman Pete Ricketts). On Friday, RNC officer elections will occur, including election of the RNC Chair who will lead our national party organization for the 2012 election cycle. Current RNC Chair Michael Steele is seeking re-election to another 2 year term, and he has 4 announced challengers who remain in the race: Saul Anuzis, Maria Cino, Reince Preibus and Ann Wagner.

Late last year I endorsed Saul Anuzis for RNC Chair. Why? The reasons are many, but here are the primary ones: 

Saul fits the job description. The job description for the office of RNC Chair for the 2012 election is different than what was required in 2010. Republicans (and therefore the people) have retaken control of the House of Representatives. Thus, we have Speaker Boehner as our national spokesman. Soon the 2012 presidential campaigns will kick into high gear and a large number of Republicans will step forward and serve as spokespersons, not only for their own respective candidacies but for our party as well. In January 2009 we needed an articulate spokesperson who could take on President Obama and congressional Democrats, and Chairman Steele fit the bill.  In January 2011, we need someone who:

o is a workhorse, not a show horse—someone who is willing to work behind the scenes with little or no fanfare;

o will restore the credibility of the RNC with donors, activists and donors;

o knows how to raise money in a cost-effective manner (what counts is net, not gross); and

o understands that the thought of a 72-hour program in today’s early voting era is now obsolete and that we need to move to a 30 or 45 day GOTV program.

Saul Anuzis satisfies each of these essential requirements.

Saul understands the potential and limitations of technology. Saul has been a leader—perhaps THE leader—in Republican politics when it comes to adapting modern technology and social media and implementing it to the benefit of the Republican Party and its candidates. Chairman Steele tapped Saul to serve as Chair of the RNC’s Technology Committee (on which I serve), and during Saul’s tenure the RNC gained ground. But much remains to be done. According to Saul, we must take “our Internet campaign beyond just our web site, infusing social networking and mobile communications into everything we do. Our goal is to equip Republican and conservative activists with tools that will let them take action anytime of the day or night, no matter where they are. Think of it as having a Victory Center in every home, or on every cell phone.” 

Saul is a friend of Nebraska. My predecessor, State Board of Education Commissioner (and former State Senator) Mark Quandahl told me early on that had he chosen to serve another term as NEGOP Chair back in 2009 he would have strongly endorsed Saul for RNC Chair. Saul travelled to Nebraska in early 2009 to attend a Douglas County Republican Party event and to visit with me and Pete Ricketts about his ideas for the RNC and to ask for our votes. While Saul was not elected back in 2009, he has remained in contact and has continued to express an interest in Nebraska politics and helping us to elect more Republicans in Nebraska. Simply put, Saul is a friend of the Cornhusker State, and Nebraska Republicans should know that we would be well served by having Saul Anuzis as the next RNC Chair.

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