Wednesday, March 24, 2010

AG Bruning: Standing Up for Nebraska and Future Generations

Nebraskans can be proud of our attorney general, Jon Bruning, for his swift and decisive action in joining other state attorneys general in filing suit to stop the health care monstrosity signed into law yesterday by President Obama.

The lawsuit, which can be found here, rightly challenges this abuse of the U.S. Constitution and the legislative trashing of freedoms our forefathers fought for.

And we aren't the only ones appreciative of Attorney General Bruning's leadership. As demonstrated by his recent appearances on national news programs, he continues to gain national attention as a recognized leader among the nation's AGs, and a constitutional conservative destined for greater things.


  1. Oh c'mon, Mark! We all know that Bruning is just doing this to keep his name in the news and his face on TV. It is his way of having the Nebraska taxpayers finance what amounts to his campaign for whatever the next office is that he is running for. He's been doing this same crap for years!
